Referrals are great, but sometimes you need to do more! Prospecting and farming are important components of maintaining and building your real estate business. Whether you’re interested in reaching potential buyers or potential sellers, there are RPR tools to help you succeed. We’ll review several prospecting scenarios to help you develop your farm area.
In this class, we will show you how to:
Understand Buyer and Seller trends
Locate neighborhoods
Create a list of homeowner addresses
Identify absentee owners
Identify how long someone has owned a property
Create Mailing Labels
We will review the types of marketing materials you can send to potential clients, including:
Market Trend Updates
Templated Reports
And more!
If you’re looking to build your business, you need tools that can help you along the way. Looking for tips on sharing market trend data with prospective clients via social media? Check out our class on Market Trends and Social Media… it’s a great companion class.