Hive MLS brings together more than 19,000 brokers and appraisers in the Southeast, covering North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Just like bees working together to produce honey, these professionals work in harmony, serving 449 cities and towns. Each member plays a crucial role, contributing to a diverse ecosystem of real estate expertise. The collective knowledge of the hive ensures that clients receive the best guidance, similar to bees ensuring the survival of their colony. Together, they promote growth and prosperity in the region, making Hive MLS a fundamental part of the Southeast's real estate would like more information or details before applying, please visit
You can also view the coverage map here, for more specific information on the HiveMLS range of access.
Please Note: HiveMLS is NOT linked to nor associated with Doorify MLS (Formerly Triangle MLS)- its membership and dues are completely separate from any dues or subscribership associated with TMLS. If you are looking for DMLS membership, please visit